Industry Detail


Simfer commenced manufacturing in 1977, starting initially with heating stoves. This was followed in 1997 by the production of cookers. The Company made substantial investments in plant and equipment, research and development and in developing its own patented products. Simfer’s primary goal was to achieve high quality products and it soon became acknowledged as a benchmark both domestically and abroad. Simfer offers high quality products that are suitable for the different cuisines that can be found around the World. It aims to provide the best service and support to its network of more than 2000 retail outlets from its 1600 employees working in the Company’s 3 factories.

Simfer has a competitive technology-oriented philosophy, and believes that it is important to continuously evaluate new business opportunities.One example of this vision is Simfer’s new Cooling factory, which it opened in 2015. Representing one of the Company’s largest investments, the factory demonstrates Simfer’s ambition in the production of cooling appliances, which is one of the main categories within the White Goods Sector.

Simfer is one of the top 500 industrial corporations in Turkey. It understands that it needs to support its local communities and to be sensitive towards the environment, both of which can be seen through its local initiatives and manufacturing practises.


Simfer Website