Nanotechnology Based COVID Patents

Nanotechnology Based COVID Patents

Corona Virus and Nanotechnology Patents

According to what has been stated in a research, 9217 patent applications have been filed regarding the COVID-19 pandemic to date. 5.2% of these applications are patents using nanotechnology. Havard College has the most share in nanotechnological patent applications regarding corona virus.

Corona virus and COVID-19 are partially different things. While Corona is a family of viruses, COVID-19 is a different mutated variation of this virus type. As a result of the mutation of the Corona family, Sars, Mers, and today's pandemic, COVID-19, emerged.

StatNano analyzed the data collected through the Orbit patent database. As a result of these analyzes, 9217 applications were made to 24 Official Patent Offices. The first patent on this subject was presented in France by researchers from Nebraska-Lincoln University. The purpose of this application concerns a vaccine developed to prevent diarrhea in newborn calves. This application was made in 1974, and researchers have been working with the corona virus family ever since. When a chart prepared by years is examined, it is observed that the patents related to the coronavirus family increased between 2001 and 2005 every year. In this period, the number of applications was 114 in 2001 and 538 in 2005. Between 2005 and 2018, the number of applications was between 500 and 600 annually.

Since nanotechnology has been used in industry, it has been very important for science and technology in different sectors. The total number of nanotechnological patents related to coronavirus in WIPO (PCT) has been observed as 113. This number clearly demonstrates the importance of nanotechnology.


Below you can find a table on corona virus, in nanotechnological applications, which contains the most applications and the number of applications.

The owner of Patent Nanotechnology-Based Patents Share in Total N-B Patents
President And Fellows of Harvard College 30 %6,3
Curevac AG 20 %4,2
The Regents of University of California 17 %3,4
Massachusetts Institue of Technology 10 %2,1
California Institue of Technology 10 %2,1
Well Shield LCC 10 %2,1

When the list above is analyzed, we see that Havard Collage University is at the top of the list. Second, Curevac AG, a biopharmaceutical company located in Tubingen, Germany. The percentage of this firm in total patents appears to be 4.2%.

You can see the shares of other companies and companies in patents in the table above.

Most nanotechnological patents related to corona viruses relate to methods of diagnosis, vaccination and treatment of diseases caused by these viruses. Diagnostic methods are often inspired by CRISPR technology. RNAs are mostly used in the treatment of diseases. The basic logic of this system is that RNAs are read by the ribosome and synthesized protein.